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The Pink Pumpkin Project (PPP) Mission:


To Live a Legacy of Faith, HOPE, Love and Compassion for others and to make sure NO ONE fights alone! To provide financial and emotional support to those in our local communities fighting breast cancer.

What is PPP:


PPP is a 100% volunteer based and 100% donor funded organization.


We offer emotional and financial support to those individuals fighting breast cancer who live in our local communities (see our “pink circle”). We provide “totes” with many items needed during treatment along with a monetary donation.


We have monthly support groups as well as extra activities and functions to keep everyone connected and remain a “family”.


Our job as a project never ends. We are available 24/7, to make sure NO ONE fights alone.

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(click on the pink circle to make sure it is in our community radius)

Nominate a Fighter:

Our project is 100% DONOR FUNDED. All assistance we give to those in treatment is due to the generosity of our amazing community and family members.


If you know of someone currently going through breast cancer treatment within the pink shaded area of the map (you may zoom in), please direct them to the nomination form, as it is in our heart to assist all those affected by breast cancer in our local area. 


PLEASE NOTE: As we would love to assist everyone, all monies donated are done with the understanding that it is distributed to those fighting breast cancer in our local area.


PPP is not an emergency assistance program and we are unable to provide immediate financial aid. Any and all requests, must be submitted with the online form. 

About Us:

In 2007, Laurie Anzivine Ogle (Lynn’s sister-in-law, pictured), received her heavenly healing.


It was just a few years later that the PPP was formed by Lynn Anzivine.

More about Laurie....

Additional Financial Assistance

The Pink Pumpkin Project Breast Cancer Assistance Program provides support to those struggling with expenses during their treatment.

Program Overview

  • Assistance is based on our funding at the time of the application.

  • We try to process all completed applications within 14 business days of receipt.

  • All applications are processed in the order in which they were received.

  • If you did not receive a confirmation email from us, please email: to confirm receipt.

By working under the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation, our fund operates as a 501C3 charitable fundraising organization.


The Pink Pumpkin Project c/o CRCF

301 N Union St #203 Olean NY 14760 

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